Agency SEO Consultancy

Why might an agency need SEO Consultancy?

SEO, content and organic search touch on many areas of a business and cross-over with other channels and operations. Agencies working in related areas therefore may need to ensure they understand the implications of work, or opportunities in their work related to SEO or content. Having an SEO consultant with experience of working between different business functions and agencies can have a major impact on the value of work and the success of projects such as migrations or PR campaigns.

General Marketing, Digital Marketing and Content and SEO agencies may also benefit from consultancy, especially when covering areas of work, such as high-end technical SEO or strategy, which they don’t often need to cover or working with clients in an industry where they have little experience.

What type of agencies may benefit from SEO Consultancy?

I have worked with many types of agencies, most often collaborating with clients’ other agencies. Agencies who may benefit from SEO consultancy include:

  • Content Agencies
  • PR & Digital PR Agencies
  • Social Media Agencies
  • Paid Search Agencies
  • Web Development Agencies
  • UX Agencies
  • Above the Line Marketing Agencies
  • Design and Creative Agencies
  • Digital Marketing Agencies

SEO Consultancy for Web-dev agencies

Web-dev agencies have the power to make or break a client’s SEO. Small mistakes in a migration can lose valuable traffic, mistakes with new sites can make them partly or fully uncrawlable by search engines stopping pages or content even making it in to search engines indexes.

By working with an SEO consultant from the early stages of a project a lot of time and effort to fix issues and redo work can be saved by ensuring the requirements for the work are clear and common issues and mistakes, including those specific to platforms, are identified and avoided.

I am available to work with dev agencies offering consultancy as needed on an hourly basis or on a project basis with set levels of support and input.

SEO Consultancy for PR agencies

Public Relations has been linked to SEO and web content since the SEO industry first grew up. The most effective way to build valuable links from authoritative sites is to create content that people want to link to and then let the right people know it is there.

Previously I have worked with major PR agencies who while getting great results with mentions and features in publications for their clients the opportunity to get backlinks to relevant pages were being missed. This was especially the case for e-commerce businesses where major national and international publications would feature their products in print and online, with no way for consumers to find the product.

My previous support for PR agencies has included providing training to ensure team members understand the basics ofd SEO and the importance of link equity and then understand how they can, with small changes to how they work, impact the organic acquisition of high quality, topically relevant backlinks.

SEO Consultancy for Content & SEO Agencies

SEO agencies are not all the same, many have specialisms and areas where they know they are strong and mainly focus. I have, for example, worked with agencies focused soley on content, agencies specialising in Local SEO and agencies focusing on a single industry.

There will always be times however when particular skills and knowledge are required which the agency doesn’t have in house and this is where an SEO consultant such as myself can come in. As well as consultancy I can also provide Advanced Technical SEO Support and SEO Training for Agencies.

Areas where Content and SEO Agencies may require SEO Consultancy and Support include:

  • SEO Strategy
  • Content Strategy
  • International Setup & Strategy
  • Core Web Vitals
  • Migration Support & Consultancy
  • Industry Specific Expertise such as:
    • Financial Services & Banking
    • SaaS (software as a service)
    • e-Commerce & Retail
    • Travel & Tourism
    • B2B and B2G
    • Beauty & Fragrance
    • Luxury
    • Charity & Not for Profit
    • Pharmaceuticals
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