Delivery to your team in house, 1 day or 2 half days £3,000/$5,400CAD
Pay per Seat from £450 / $840 CAD (Early Bird Price)
Add on-going coaching and support: £POA
Who it’s for: Agency SEO Teams (especially Managers & Technical Specialists )| In-House SEO Teams | In-House SEO Managers working with SEO & Dev Agencies, | Devs working alongside SEO, or developing SEO friendly websites
This course is designed to train you to complete a detailed audit with clear actions that provides maximum value to your company or client by showing them what they are doing right and wrong in an easy to understand format.
The Audit is designed to be usually completed within 1 day (based on an experienced SEO on a standard site) and on any site within 2 days. Each attendee will have access to the templates for the PowerPoint deck and supporting Excel to fill out, rebrand and deliver.
This course is primarily in a workshop format, with use of slides to show examples and visit concepts that may need further explanation. The audit is based on using Screaming Frog but can be completed with other website crawlers.
Technical Audit sections covered in the workshop include:
- Google Index Snapshot
- Search Engine Accessibility
- Redirects
- Robots and Meta Robots
- Duplicate Handling & Canonicals
- International & Hreflang
- JS, SPAs and Rendering
- Additional Accessibility
- Internal Linking & Sitemaps
- Linking Structure
- Linking Best Practice
- Sitemaps
- Linking Opportunities
- On Page Optimisation
- Page Titles
- Meta Descriptions
- On-Page Headings
- On-Page Content
- Mobile Friendliness
- Mobile Crawlability & Navigation
- Mobile Content
- Mobile Rendering
- Mobile Usability & UX Issues
- Page Experience
- Core Web Vitals Overview & Scores (full analysis of issues and fixes is not included, only identification of pages with Poor or Average Core Web Vital Scores)
- Other Page Experience Issues