Delivery to your team in house, 1 day or 2 half days £2,500/$4,500CAD
Pay per Seat from £400 / $750 CAD (Early Bird Price)
Add on-going coaching and support: £POA
Who it’s for: Agency SEO & Content Teams | In House SEO & Content Teams | e-commerce & Product Managers | Copywriters / Content Teams |
AI content is seen by some as a quick way to take over search. It isn’t but AI can help teams ensure they are finding the right keywords people are searching for, even new, trending terms, understand what people want and develop content ideas for humans to write.
AI along with other new tools and techniques can make keyword research more focused and more impactful.
This course covers the exact detail, including prompts and tools to use, for keyword research.
The course includes:
- What is AI good at, what is it bad at
- Using AI in a low risk way for SEO
- Keyword Research techniques and methods
- KWR for Ideation
- KWR for existing pages and ideas
- Quick KWR for individual pages
- KWR for trending terms and topics
- KWR for question terms
- Mapping and Sorting KWR
- Sorting and categorising KWR
- Understanding KW intent
- Grouping KWs by content ideas
- Prioritising KWs and pages
- Developing new content ideas from keyword grouping